Twinkles (05/29/2007)
Stacy glanced around nervously, checking to make sure no one was close before opening her locker door. The letter was there, as she knew it would be. Stacy quickly grabbed it and stuffed it into her backpack, just as Sandi walked up.

"Don't forget to bring the Fall Colors Chart for the meeting today, Stacy. Oh, and don't you think that Cherry Blossom gloss is sooo last week?" asked Sandi with one raised eyebrow.

"Oh yes, of course Sandi, I won't forget it for sure. And no, I didn't mean to be wearing Cherry Blossom, I must have grabbed the wrong gloss! I'm so sorry! I'll go change it right away," sobbed a mortified Stacy.

Stacy fled to a nearby restroom and claimed a stall for herself. How could she have been so stupid? Of course she shouldn't have worn Cherry Blossom, even though she could have sworn that Waif had listed it as one of the hot new colors of the season. But Sandi was right. Sandi is always right.

Is she? For a brief second, she wondered if she should have challenged Sandi.

Wiping away her tears, she rummaged in her backpack for the letter. The letter would make it all better. Twinkles always knew what to say. She didn't know who Twinkles was, but Twinkles loved her just the way she was. She didn't need to challenge Sandi, it would only hurt Sandi, and she would never want to do that. She prided herself on being a gentle soul. At least, that's what Twinkles said.

Stacy smiled as she opened the letter. As expected, Twinkles had written loving phrases extolling her beauty and her many virtues. She sighed happily. Having a cry now and then wasn't such big deal; she was just a sensitive person. She understood that now. Twinkles had explained everything to her.

Stacy exited the restroom, with a new coat of gloss (she always carried a backup) and a brave smile. She had to look perfect. Who knows when Twinkles may be watching and she would not want to disappoint him. Twinkles loved her just the way she was, and she worked hard to keep it that way.


He watched her put on a smile and walk down the hall. He had seen her flight from Sandi earlier and was proud at how she had pulled herself together. He would make sure he put something special in her letter tonight.

"Skinny! Don't forget to pick me up at 7 tonight. And I don't bother bringing flowers. Flowers are for the weak and wilt in a day or two. Then I would have to clean it up. You're not trying to get me to be more domestic are you?" asked Janet Barch suspiciously.

"Oh yes, of course Janet, I wouldn't forget our date tonight. And no, of course I won't bring flowers. Uh, I mean I would bring you flowers if you wanted it, but I would never try to hint that you should be more domestic. I have to go now Janet, or I'll be late for my English class. I'll see you tonight," replied Timothy O'Neill as he beat a hasty retreat.

Timothy sometimes thought he should break up with Janet. He wouldn't though. He wouldn't want to hurt Janet. She had been hurt before and he just couldn't do that to her.

He wished he could reveal himself to Stacy. Stacy was a kindred soul. She would understand him. Stacy would like flowers.